Weekend Lookback


Well, we did not manage to get a weekend roundup put together for last week, but that’s because we were so busy putting together an article for Atlanta Parent instead on places to climb and play in the trees! Look for it in the upcoming May issue – we are really excited about it, and it’s filled with tons of cool options. Turns out, there’s a whole set of proven mental and physical benefits that come from hanging out in the woods (no surprise, there)… the Japanese even have a term for taking in the healing power of nature: “Shirin-yoku” (which literally translates as “forest-bathing.”)

So check out the article when it comes out, and as a follow up we may profile a few other options as we have a chance to try them (first I have to talk the family into some canopy camping). You can also search our Events page for some upcoming tree-related programs, or any time you want ideas for a new adventure.

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