Our statewide outdoor event calendar can get pretty packed (trust me, as the one who enters them all in…). So we’ve upgraded our calendar to include a super-powerful filter bar! Now you can drill down to just the right locations and interests for your family.
Here’s how:
Step 1: If you’re not already there, click on the Events tab in the main menu on GeorgiaKidsOutdoors.com or go to www.georgiakidsoutdoors.com/events.
Step 2: At the top of the page, before the statewide calendar, you’ll see a search bar and below that a filter bar (with the drop down triangle indicators):
Click on those drop-down triangles, and you’ll see a list of choices. For each menu, you can pick more than one. The more specific you are, the less results you will get (which is the goal, but if you’re too picky you risk getting no results!).
Going through the possible filters, you can select by Event Category (which includes things like “Night,” “Science,” “Hiking,” and “Homeschool,”).
The Cost filter will give you the opportunity to select your price range. You may be tempted to stick to “free” but keep in mind that most of the Georgia State Park events will charge a $5 parking fee (per vehicle, not per person), so you will be screening out a ton of options if you select that. And if you didn’t already know, you can check out a Georgia State Park Pass from most (or all?) public libraries, so you could make that free with a little planning and quick trip to the library!
The Region Filter allows you to pick either your home or travel destination area. If you aren’t sure which region you want, check our Regions page to see a list of counties and larger towns.
Venues lets you get really specific, and just see what’s going on at a particular park, nature center, etc. Again, getting too specific may limit your results, but this is handy if you already know where you are headed or are a member of a place and just want to see what they have going on.
Organizers is usually the same as venue, but not always. For example, the Georgia Herpetological (snakes and stuff) Society may do events at various locations, so they would be the organizer. We are also setting all Georgia State Parks events to be under Georgia State Parks as an organizer (bear with us, it’s a big task and still in process).
Day & Time are pretty obvious (we hope!).
What can we do to make this more useful? What events are we missing? Let us know in the Comments section below!
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